// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
* @fileoverview The main user facing module. Exports WebDriver's primary
* public API and provides convenience assessors to certain sub-modules.
'use strict'
const _http = require('./http')
const by = require('./lib/by')
const capabilities = require('./lib/capabilities')
const chrome = require('./chrome')
const edge = require('./edge')
const error = require('./lib/error')
const firefox = require('./firefox')
const ie = require('./ie')
const input = require('./lib/input')
const logging = require('./lib/logging')
const promise = require('./lib/promise')
const remote = require('./remote')
const safari = require('./safari')
const session = require('./lib/session')
const until = require('./lib/until')
const webdriver = require('./lib/webdriver')
const select = require('./lib/select')
const LogInspector = require('./bidi/logInspector')
const BrowsingContext = require('./bidi/browsingContext')
const BrowsingContextInspector = require('./bidi/browsingContextInspector')
const ScriptManager = require('./bidi/scriptManager')
const NetworkInspector = require('./bidi/networkInspector')
const version = require('./package.json').version
const Browser = capabilities.Browser
const Capabilities = capabilities.Capabilities
const Capability = capabilities.Capability
const WebDriver = webdriver.WebDriver
let seleniumServer
* Starts an instance of the Selenium server if not yet running.
* @param {string} jar Path to the server jar to use.
* @return {!Promise<string>} A promise for the server's
* address once started.
function startSeleniumServer(jar) {
if (!seleniumServer) {
seleniumServer = new remote.SeleniumServer(jar)
return seleniumServer.start()
* {@linkplain webdriver.WebDriver#setFileDetector WebDriver's setFileDetector}
* method uses a non-standard command to transfer files from the local client
* to the remote end hosting the browser. Many of the WebDriver sub-types, like
* the {@link chrome.Driver} and {@link firefox.Driver}, do not support this
* command. Thus, these classes override the `setFileDetector` to no-op.
* This function uses a mixin to re-enable `setFileDetector` by calling the
* original method on the WebDriver prototype directly. This is used only when
* the builder creates a Chrome or Firefox instance that communicates with a
* remote end (and thus, support for remote file detectors is unknown).
* @param {function(new: webdriver.WebDriver, ...?)} ctor
* @return {function(new: webdriver.WebDriver, ...?)}
function ensureFileDetectorsAreEnabled(ctor) {
return class extends ctor {
/** @param {input.FileDetector} detector */
setFileDetector(detector) {
webdriver.WebDriver.prototype.setFileDetector.call(this, detector)
* A thenable wrapper around a {@linkplain webdriver.IWebDriver IWebDriver}
* instance that allows commands to be issued directly instead of having to
* repeatedly call `then`:
* let driver = new Builder().build();
* driver.then(d => d.get(url)); // You can do this...
* driver.get(url); // ...or this
* If the driver instance fails to resolve (e.g. the session cannot be created),
* every issued command will fail.
* @extends {webdriver.IWebDriver}
* @extends {IThenable<!webdriver.IWebDriver>}
* @interface
class ThenableWebDriver {
/** @param {...?} args */
static createSession(...args) {} // eslint-disable-line
* @const {!Map<function(new: WebDriver, !IThenable<!Session>, ...?),
* function(new: ThenableWebDriver, !IThenable<!Session>, ...?)>}
const THENABLE_DRIVERS = new Map()
* @param {function(new: WebDriver, !IThenable<!Session>, ...?)} ctor
* @param {...?} args
* @return {!ThenableWebDriver}
function createDriver(ctor, ...args) {
let thenableWebDriverProxy = THENABLE_DRIVERS.get(ctor)
if (!thenableWebDriverProxy) {
* @extends {WebDriver} // Needed since `ctor` is dynamically typed.
* @implements {ThenableWebDriver}
thenableWebDriverProxy = class extends ctor {
* @param {!IThenable<!Session>} session
* @param {...?} rest
constructor(session, ...rest) {
super(session, ...rest)
const pd = this.getSession().then((session) => {
return new ctor(session, ...rest)
/** @override */
this.then = pd.then.bind(pd)
/** @override */
this.catch = pd.catch.bind(pd)
THENABLE_DRIVERS.set(ctor, thenableWebDriverProxy)
return thenableWebDriverProxy.createSession(...args)
* Creates new {@link webdriver.WebDriver WebDriver} instances. The environment
* variables listed below may be used to override a builder's configuration,
* allowing quick runtime changes.
* - {@code SELENIUM_BROWSER}: defines the target browser in the form
* {@code browser[:version][:platform]}.
* - {@code SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL}: defines the remote URL for all builder
* instances. This environment variable should be set to a fully qualified
* URL for a WebDriver server (e.g. http://localhost:4444/wd/hub). This
* option always takes precedence over {@code SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR}.
* - {@code SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR}: defines the path to the
* <a href="https://www.selenium.dev/downloads/">
* standalone Selenium server</a> jar to use. The server will be started the
* first time a WebDriver instance and be killed when the process exits.
* Suppose you had mytest.js that created WebDriver with
* var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
* .forBrowser('chrome')
* .build();
* This test could be made to use Firefox on the local machine by running with
* `SELENIUM_BROWSER=firefox node mytest.js`. Rather than change the code to
* target Google Chrome on a remote machine, you can simply set the
* `SELENIUM_BROWSER` and `SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL` environment variables:
* SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://www.example.com:4444/wd/hub \
* node mytest.js
* You could also use a local copy of the standalone Selenium server:
* SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR=/path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar \
* node mytest.js
class Builder {
constructor() {
/** @private @const */
this.log_ = logging.getLogger(`${logging.Type.DRIVER}.Builder`)
/** @private {string} */
this.url_ = ''
/** @private {?string} */
this.proxy_ = null
/** @private {!Capabilities} */
this.capabilities_ = new Capabilities()
/** @private {chrome.Options} */
this.chromeOptions_ = null
/** @private {chrome.ServiceBuilder} */
this.chromeService_ = null
/** @private {firefox.Options} */
this.firefoxOptions_ = null
/** @private {firefox.ServiceBuilder} */
this.firefoxService_ = null
/** @private {ie.Options} */
this.ieOptions_ = null
/** @private {ie.ServiceBuilder} */
this.ieService_ = null
/** @private {safari.Options} */
this.safariOptions_ = null
/** @private {edge.Options} */
this.edgeOptions_ = null
/** @private {remote.DriverService.Builder} */
this.edgeService_ = null
/** @private {boolean} */
this.ignoreEnv_ = false
/** @private {http.Agent} */
this.agent_ = null
* Configures this builder to ignore any environment variable overrides and to
* only use the configuration specified through this instance's API.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
disableEnvironmentOverrides() {
this.ignoreEnv_ = true
return this
* Sets the URL of a remote WebDriver server to use. Once a remote URL has
* been specified, the builder direct all new clients to that server. If this
* method is never called, the Builder will attempt to create all clients
* locally.
* As an alternative to this method, you may also set the
* `SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL` environment variable.
* @param {string} url The URL of a remote server to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
usingServer(url) {
this.url_ = url
return this
* @return {string} The URL of the WebDriver server this instance is
* configured to use.
getServerUrl() {
return this.url_
* Sets the URL of the proxy to use for the WebDriver's HTTP connections.
* If this method is never called, the Builder will create a connection
* without a proxy.
* @param {string} proxy The URL of a proxy to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
usingWebDriverProxy(proxy) {
this.proxy_ = proxy
return this
* @return {?string} The URL of the proxy server to use for the WebDriver's
* HTTP connections, or `null` if not set.
getWebDriverProxy() {
return this.proxy_
* Sets the http agent to use for each request.
* If this method is not called, the Builder will use http.globalAgent by default.
* @param {http.Agent} agent The agent to use for each request.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
usingHttpAgent(agent) {
this.agent_ = agent
return this
* @return {http.Agent} The http agent used for each request
getHttpAgent() {
return this.agent_
* Recommended way is to use set*Options where * is the browser(eg setChromeOptions)
* Sets the desired capabilities when requesting a new session. This will
* overwrite any previously set capabilities.
* @param {!(Object|Capabilities)} capabilities The desired capabilities for
* a new session.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
withCapabilities(capabilities) {
this.capabilities_ = new Capabilities(capabilities)
return this
* Returns the base set of capabilities this instance is currently configured
* to use.
* @return {!Capabilities} The current capabilities for this builder.
getCapabilities() {
return this.capabilities_
* Sets the desired capability when requesting a new session.
* If there is already a capability named key, its value will be overwritten with value.
* This is a convenience wrapper around builder.getCapabilities().set(key, value) to support Builder method chaining.
* @param {string} key The capability key.
* @param {*} value The capability value.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setCapability(key, value) {
this.capabilities_.set(key, value)
return this
* Configures the target browser for clients created by this instance.
* Any calls to {@link #withCapabilities} after this function will
* overwrite these settings.
* You may also define the target browser using the {@code SELENIUM_BROWSER}
* environment variable. If set, this environment variable should be of the
* form `browser[:[version][:platform]]`.
* @param {(string|!Browser)} name The name of the target browser;
* common defaults are available on the {@link webdriver.Browser} enum.
* @param {string=} opt_version A desired version; may be omitted if any
* version should be used.
* @param {(string|!capabilities.Platform)=} opt_platform
* The desired platform; may be omitted if any platform may be used.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
forBrowser(name, opt_version, opt_platform) {
if (opt_version) {
if (opt_platform) {
return this
* Sets the proxy configuration for the target browser.
* Any calls to {@link #withCapabilities} after this function will
* overwrite these settings.
* @param {!./lib/proxy.Config} config The configuration to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setProxy(config) {
return this
* Sets the logging preferences for the created session. Preferences may be
* changed by repeated calls, or by calling {@link #withCapabilities}.
* @param {!(./lib/logging.Preferences|Object<string, string>)} prefs The
* desired logging preferences.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setLoggingPrefs(prefs) {
return this
* Sets the default action to take with an unexpected alert before returning
* an error.
* @param {?capabilities.UserPromptHandler} behavior The desired behavior.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
* @see capabilities.Capabilities#setAlertBehavior
setAlertBehavior(behavior) {
return this
* Sets Chrome specific {@linkplain chrome.Options options} for drivers
* created by this builder. Any logging or proxy settings defined on the given
* options will take precedence over those set through
* {@link #setLoggingPrefs} and {@link #setProxy}, respectively.
* @param {!chrome.Options} options The ChromeDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setChromeOptions(options) {
this.chromeOptions_ = options
return this
* @return {chrome.Options} the Chrome specific options currently configured
* for this builder.
getChromeOptions() {
return this.chromeOptions_
* Sets the service builder to use for managing the chromedriver child process
* when creating new Chrome sessions.
* @param {chrome.ServiceBuilder} service the service to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setChromeService(service) {
if (service && !(service instanceof chrome.ServiceBuilder)) {
throw TypeError('not a chrome.ServiceBuilder object')
this.chromeService_ = service
return this
* Sets Firefox specific {@linkplain firefox.Options options} for drivers
* created by this builder. Any logging or proxy settings defined on the given
* options will take precedence over those set through
* {@link #setLoggingPrefs} and {@link #setProxy}, respectively.
* @param {!firefox.Options} options The FirefoxDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setFirefoxOptions(options) {
this.firefoxOptions_ = options
return this
* @return {firefox.Options} the Firefox specific options currently configured
* for this instance.
getFirefoxOptions() {
return this.firefoxOptions_
* Sets the {@link firefox.ServiceBuilder} to use to manage the geckodriver
* child process when creating Firefox sessions locally.
* @param {firefox.ServiceBuilder} service the service to use.
* @return {!Builder} a self reference.
setFirefoxService(service) {
if (service && !(service instanceof firefox.ServiceBuilder)) {
throw TypeError('not a firefox.ServiceBuilder object')
this.firefoxService_ = service
return this
* Set Internet Explorer specific {@linkplain ie.Options options} for drivers
* created by this builder. Any proxy settings defined on the given options
* will take precedence over those set through {@link #setProxy}.
* @param {!ie.Options} options The IEDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setIeOptions(options) {
this.ieOptions_ = options
return this
* Sets the {@link ie.ServiceBuilder} to use to manage the geckodriver
* child process when creating IE sessions locally.
* @param {ie.ServiceBuilder} service the service to use.
* @return {!Builder} a self reference.
setIeService(service) {
this.ieService_ = service
return this
* Set {@linkplain edge.Options options} specific to Microsoft's Edge browser
* for drivers created by this builder. Any proxy settings defined on the
* given options will take precedence over those set through
* {@link #setProxy}.
* @param {!edge.Options} options The MicrosoftEdgeDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setEdgeOptions(options) {
this.edgeOptions_ = options
return this
* Sets the {@link edge.ServiceBuilder} to use to manage the
* MicrosoftEdgeDriver child process when creating sessions locally.
* @param {edge.ServiceBuilder} service the service to use.
* @return {!Builder} a self reference.
setEdgeService(service) {
if (service && !(service instanceof edge.ServiceBuilder)) {
throw TypeError('not a edge.ServiceBuilder object')
this.edgeService_ = service
return this
* Sets Safari specific {@linkplain safari.Options options} for drivers
* created by this builder. Any logging settings defined on the given options
* will take precedence over those set through {@link #setLoggingPrefs}.
* @param {!safari.Options} options The Safari options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setSafariOptions(options) {
this.safariOptions_ = options
return this
* @return {safari.Options} the Safari specific options currently configured
* for this instance.
getSafariOptions() {
return this.safariOptions_
* Creates a new WebDriver client based on this builder's current
* configuration.
* This method will return a {@linkplain ThenableWebDriver} instance, allowing
* users to issue commands directly without calling `then()`. The returned
* thenable wraps a promise that will resolve to a concrete
* {@linkplain webdriver.WebDriver WebDriver} instance. The promise will be
* rejected if the remote end fails to create a new session.
* @return {!ThenableWebDriver} A new WebDriver instance.
* @throws {Error} If the current configuration is invalid.
build() {
// Create a copy for any changes we may need to make based on the current
// environment.
const capabilities = new Capabilities(this.capabilities_)
let browser
if (!this.ignoreEnv_ && process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER) {
browser = process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER.split(/:/, 3)
browser[1] && capabilities.setBrowserVersion(browser[1])
browser[2] && capabilities.setPlatform(browser[2])
browser = capabilities.get(Capability.BROWSER_NAME)
* If browser is not defined in forBrowser, check if browserOptions are defined to pick the browserName
if (!browser) {
const options =
this.chromeOptions_ || this.firefoxOptions_ || this.ieOptions_ || this.safariOptions_ || this.edgeOptions_
if (options) {
browser = options['map_'].get(Capability.BROWSER_NAME)
if (typeof browser !== 'string') {
throw TypeError(
`Target browser must be a string, but is <${typeof browser}>;` + ' did you forget to call forBrowser()?',
if (browser === 'ie') {
browser = Browser.INTERNET_EXPLORER
// Apply browser specific overrides.
if (browser === Browser.CHROME && this.chromeOptions_) {
} else if (browser === Browser.FIREFOX && this.firefoxOptions_) {
} else if (browser === Browser.INTERNET_EXPLORER && this.ieOptions_) {
} else if (browser === Browser.SAFARI && this.safariOptions_) {
} else if (browser === Browser.EDGE && this.edgeOptions_) {
checkOptions(capabilities, 'chromeOptions', chrome.Options, 'setChromeOptions')
checkOptions(capabilities, 'moz:firefoxOptions', firefox.Options, 'setFirefoxOptions')
checkOptions(capabilities, 'safari.options', safari.Options, 'setSafariOptions')
// Check for a remote browser.
let url = this.url_
if (!this.ignoreEnv_) {
if (process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL) {
url = process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL
} else if (process.env.SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR) {
url = startSeleniumServer(process.env.SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR)
if (url) {
this.log_.fine('Creating session on remote server')
let client = Promise.resolve(url).then((url) => new _http.HttpClient(url, this.agent_, this.proxy_))
let executor = new _http.Executor(client)
if (browser === Browser.CHROME) {
const driver = ensureFileDetectorsAreEnabled(chrome.Driver)
return createDriver(driver, capabilities, executor)
if (browser === Browser.FIREFOX) {
const driver = ensureFileDetectorsAreEnabled(firefox.Driver)
return createDriver(driver, capabilities, executor)
return createDriver(WebDriver, executor, capabilities)
// Check for a native browser.
switch (browser) {
case Browser.CHROME: {
let service = null
if (this.chromeService_) {
service = this.chromeService_.build()
return createDriver(chrome.Driver, capabilities, service)
case Browser.FIREFOX: {
let service = null
if (this.firefoxService_) {
service = this.firefoxService_.build()
return createDriver(firefox.Driver, capabilities, service)
let service = null
if (this.ieService_) {
service = this.ieService_.build()
return createDriver(ie.Driver, capabilities, service)
case Browser.EDGE: {
let service = null
if (this.edgeService_) {
service = this.edgeService_.build()
return createDriver(edge.Driver, capabilities, service)
case Browser.SAFARI:
return createDriver(safari.Driver, capabilities)
throw new Error('Do not know how to build driver: ' + browser + '; did you forget to call usingServer(url)?')
* In the 3.x releases, the various browser option classes
* (e.g. firefox.Options) had to be manually set as an option using the
* Capabilities class:
* let ffo = new firefox.Options();
* // Configure firefox options...
* let caps = new Capabilities();
* caps.set('moz:firefoxOptions', ffo);
* let driver = new Builder()
* .withCapabilities(caps)
* .build();
* The options are now subclasses of Capabilities and can be used directly. A
* direct translation of the above is:
* let ffo = new firefox.Options();
* // Configure firefox options...
* let driver = new Builder()
* .withCapabilities(ffo)
* .build();
* You can also set the options for various browsers at once and let the builder
* choose the correct set at runtime (see Builder docs above):
* let ffo = new firefox.Options();
* // Configure ...
* let co = new chrome.Options();
* // Configure ...
* let driver = new Builder()
* .setChromeOptions(co)
* .setFirefoxOptions(ffo)
* .build();
* @param {!Capabilities} caps
* @param {string} key
* @param {function(new: Capabilities)} optionType
* @param {string} setMethod
* @throws {error.InvalidArgumentError}
function checkOptions(caps, key, optionType, setMethod) {
let val = caps.get(key)
if (val instanceof optionType) {
throw new error.InvalidArgumentError(
'Options class extends Capabilities and should not be set as key ' +
`"${key}"; set browser-specific options with ` +
`Builder.${setMethod}(). For more information, see the ` +
'documentation attached to the function that threw this error',
exports.Browser = capabilities.Browser
exports.Builder = Builder
exports.Button = input.Button
exports.By = by.By
exports.RelativeBy = by.RelativeBy
exports.withTagName = by.withTagName
exports.locateWith = by.locateWith
exports.Capabilities = capabilities.Capabilities
exports.Capability = capabilities.Capability
exports.Condition = webdriver.Condition
exports.FileDetector = input.FileDetector
exports.Key = input.Key
exports.Origin = input.Origin
exports.Session = session.Session
exports.ThenableWebDriver = ThenableWebDriver
exports.WebDriver = webdriver.WebDriver
exports.WebElement = webdriver.WebElement
exports.WebElementCondition = webdriver.WebElementCondition
exports.WebElementPromise = webdriver.WebElementPromise
exports.error = error
exports.logging = logging
exports.promise = promise
exports.until = until
exports.Select = select.Select
exports.LogInspector = LogInspector
exports.BrowsingContext = BrowsingContext
exports.BrowsingContextInspector = BrowsingContextInspector
exports.ScriptManager = ScriptManager
exports.NetworkInspector = NetworkInspector
exports.version = version