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(non-null) args :Array.<string>|IThenable.<!Array.<string>>
The arguments to pass to the service. If a promise is provided, the service will wait for it to resolve before starting.
- Array.<string> |
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env :!Object.<string, string>|undefined
The environment variables that should be visible to the server process. Defaults to inheriting the current process's environment.
- !Object.<string, string> |
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jvmArgs :!Array.<string>|!IThenable.<!Array.<string>>|undefined
The arguments to pass to the JVM. If a promise is provided, the service will wait for it to resolve before starting.
- !Array.<string> |
!IThenable.<!Array.<string>> | undefined
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loopback :boolean|undefined
Whether the server should only be accessible on this host's loopback address.
- boolean |
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port :number|!IThenable.<number>
The port to start the server on (must be > 0). If the port is provided as a promise, the service will wait for the promise to resolve before starting.
- number |
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stdio :string|!Array.<(string|number|!stream.Stream|null|undefined)>|undefined
IO configuration for the spawned server process. If unspecified, IO will be ignored.
- string |
!Array.<(string|number|!stream.Stream|null|undefined)> | undefined
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