// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
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* @fileoverview Defines an abstract {@linkplain Driver WebDriver} client for
* Chromium-based web browsers. These classes should not be instantiated
* directly.
* There are three primary classes exported by this module:
* 1. {@linkplain ServiceBuilder}: configures the
* {@link selenium-webdriver/remote.DriverService remote.DriverService}
* that manages a WebDriver server child process.
* 2. {@linkplain Options}: defines configuration options for each new Chromium
* session, such as which {@linkplain Options#setProxy proxy} to use,
* what {@linkplain Options#addExtensions extensions} to install, or
* what {@linkplain Options#addArguments command-line switches} to use when
* starting the browser.
* 3. {@linkplain Driver}: the WebDriver client; each new instance will control
* a unique browser session with a clean user profile (unless otherwise
* configured through the {@link Options} class).
* let chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
* let {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
* let driver = new Builder()
* .forBrowser('chrome')
* .setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options())
* .build();
* __Customizing the Chromium WebDriver Server__ <a id="custom-server"></a>
* Subclasses of {@link Driver} are expected to provide a static
* getDefaultService method. By default, this method will be called every time
* a {@link Driver} instance is created to obtain the default driver service
* for that specific browser (e.g. Chrome or Chromium Edge). Subclasses are
* responsible for managing the lifetime of the default service.
* You may also create a {@link Driver} with its own driver service. This is
* useful if you need to capture the server's log output for a specific session:
* let chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
* let service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder()
* .loggingTo('/my/log/file.txt')
* .enableVerboseLogging()
* .build();
* let options = new chrome.Options();
* // configure browser options ...
* let driver = chrome.Driver.createSession(options, service);
* @module selenium-webdriver/chromium
'use strict'
const http = require('./http')
const io = require('./io')
const { Capabilities, Capability } = require('./lib/capabilities')
const command = require('./lib/command')
const error = require('./lib/error')
const Symbols = require('./lib/symbols')
const webdriver = require('./lib/webdriver')
const remote = require('./remote')
const { getBinaryPaths } = require('./common/driverFinder')
* Custom command names supported by Chromium WebDriver.
* @enum {string}
const Command = {
LAUNCH_APP: 'launchApp',
GET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS: 'getNetworkConditions',
SET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS: 'setNetworkConditions',
DELETE_NETWORK_CONDITIONS: 'deleteNetworkConditions',
SEND_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND: 'sendDevToolsCommand',
SET_PERMISSION: 'setPermission',
GET_CAST_SINKS: 'getCastSinks',
SET_CAST_SINK_TO_USE: 'setCastSinkToUse',
START_CAST_DESKTOP_MIRRORING: 'startDesktopMirroring',
START_CAST_TAB_MIRRORING: 'setCastTabMirroring',
GET_CAST_ISSUE_MESSAGE: 'getCastIssueMessage',
STOP_CASTING: 'stopCasting',
* Creates a command executor with support for Chromium's custom commands.
* @param {!Promise<string>} url The server's URL.
* @param vendorPrefix
* @return {!command.Executor} The new command executor.
function createExecutor(url, vendorPrefix) {
const agent = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
const client = url.then((url) => new http.HttpClient(url, agent))
const executor = new http.Executor(client)
configureExecutor(executor, vendorPrefix)
return executor
* Configures the given executor with Chromium-specific commands.
* @param {!http.Executor} executor the executor to configure.
function configureExecutor(executor, vendorPrefix) {
executor.defineCommand(Command.LAUNCH_APP, 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/chromium/launch_app')
executor.defineCommand(Command.GET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS, 'GET', '/session/:sessionId/chromium/network_conditions')
executor.defineCommand(Command.SET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS, 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/chromium/network_conditions')
executor.defineCommand(Command.DELETE_NETWORK_CONDITIONS, 'DELETE', '/session/:sessionId/chromium/network_conditions')
executor.defineCommand(Command.SEND_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND, 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/chromium/send_command')
executor.defineCommand(Command.SET_PERMISSION, 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/permissions')
executor.defineCommand(Command.GET_CAST_SINKS, 'GET', `/session/:sessionId/${vendorPrefix}/cast/get_sinks`)
executor.defineCommand(Command.STOP_CASTING, 'POST', `/session/:sessionId/${vendorPrefix}/cast/stop_casting`)
* Creates {@link selenium-webdriver/remote.DriverService} instances that manage
* a WebDriver server in a child process.
class ServiceBuilder extends remote.DriverService.Builder {
* @param {string=} exe Path to the server executable to use. Subclasses
* should ensure a valid path to the appropriate exe is provided.
constructor(exe) {
this.setLoopback(true) // Required
* Sets which port adb is listening to. _The driver will connect to adb
* if an {@linkplain Options#androidPackage Android session} is requested, but
* adb **must** be started beforehand._
* @param {number} port Which port adb is running on.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setAdbPort(port) {
return this.addArguments('--adb-port=' + port)
* Sets the path of the log file the driver should log to. If a log file is
* not specified, the driver will log to stderr.
* @param {string} path Path of the log file to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
loggingTo(path) {
return this.addArguments('--log-path=' + path)
* Enables Chrome logging.
* @returns {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
enableChromeLogging() {
return this.addArguments('--enable-chrome-logs')
* Enables verbose logging.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
enableVerboseLogging() {
return this.addArguments('--verbose')
* Sets the number of threads the driver should use to manage HTTP requests.
* By default, the driver will use 4 threads.
* @param {number} n The number of threads to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setNumHttpThreads(n) {
return this.addArguments('--http-threads=' + n)
* @override
setPath(path) {
return this.addArguments('--url-base=' + path)
* Class for managing WebDriver options specific to a Chromium-based browser.
class Options extends Capabilities {
* @param {(Capabilities|Map<string, ?>|Object)=} other Another set of
* capabilities to initialize this instance from.
constructor(other = undefined) {
/** @private {!Object} */
this.options_ = this.get(this.CAPABILITY_KEY) || {}
this.set(this.CAPABILITY_KEY, this.options_)
* Add additional command line arguments to use when launching the browser.
* Each argument may be specified with or without the "--" prefix
* (e.g. "--foo" and "foo"). Arguments with an associated value should be
* delimited by an "=": "foo=bar".
* @param {...(string|!Array<string>)} args The arguments to add.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
addArguments(...args) {
let newArgs = (this.options_.args || []).concat(...args)
if (newArgs.length) {
this.options_.args = newArgs
return this
* Sets the address of a Chromium remote debugging server to connect to.
* Address should be of the form "{hostname|IP address}:port"
* (e.g. "localhost:9222").
* @param {string} address The address to connect to.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
debuggerAddress(address) {
this.options_.debuggerAddress = address
return this
* Sets the initial window size.
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} size The desired window size.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
* @throws {TypeError} if width or height is unspecified, not a number, or
* less than or equal to 0.
windowSize({ width, height }) {
function checkArg(arg) {
if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg <= 0) {
throw TypeError('Arguments must be {width, height} with numbers > 0')
return this.addArguments(`window-size=${width},${height}`)
* List of Chrome command line switches to exclude that ChromeDriver by default
* passes when starting Chrome. Do not prefix switches with "--".
* @param {...(string|!Array<string>)} args The switches to exclude.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
excludeSwitches(...args) {
let switches = (this.options_.excludeSwitches || []).concat(...args)
if (switches.length) {
this.options_.excludeSwitches = switches
return this
* Add additional extensions to install when launching the browser. Each extension
* should be specified as the path to the packed CRX file, or a Buffer for an
* extension.
* @param {...(string|!Buffer|!Array<(string|!Buffer)>)} args The
* extensions to add.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
addExtensions(...args) {
let extensions = this.options_.extensions || new Extensions()
if (extensions.length) {
this.options_.extensions = extensions
return this
* Sets the path to the browser binary to use. On Mac OS X, this path should
* reference the actual Chromium executable, not just the application binary
* (e.g. "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome").
* The binary path can be absolute or relative to the WebDriver server
* executable, but it must exist on the machine that will launch the browser.
* @param {string} path The path to the browser binary to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setBinaryPath(path) {
this.options_.binary = path
return this
* Sets whether to leave the started browser process running if the controlling
* driver service is killed before {@link webdriver.WebDriver#quit()} is
* called.
* @param {boolean} detach Whether to leave the browser running if the
* driver service is killed before the session.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
detachDriver(detach) {
this.options_.detach = detach
return this
* Sets the user preferences for Chrome's user profile. See the "Preferences"
* file in Chrome's user data directory for examples.
* @param {!Object} prefs Dictionary of user preferences to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setUserPreferences(prefs) {
this.options_.prefs = prefs
return this
* Sets the performance logging preferences. Options include:
* - `enableNetwork`: Whether or not to collect events from Network domain.
* - `enablePage`: Whether or not to collect events from Page domain.
* - `enableTimeline`: Whether or not to collect events from Timeline domain.
* Note: when tracing is enabled, Timeline domain is implicitly disabled,
* unless `enableTimeline` is explicitly set to true.
* - `traceCategories`: A comma-separated string of Chromium tracing
* categories for which trace events should be collected. An unspecified
* or empty string disables tracing.
* - `bufferUsageReportingInterval`: The requested number of milliseconds
* between DevTools trace buffer usage events. For example, if 1000, then
* once per second, DevTools will report how full the trace buffer is. If
* a report indicates the buffer usage is 100%, a warning will be issued.
* @param {{enableNetwork: boolean,
* enablePage: boolean,
* enableTimeline: boolean,
* traceCategories: string,
* bufferUsageReportingInterval: number}} prefs The performance
* logging preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setPerfLoggingPrefs(prefs) {
this.options_.perfLoggingPrefs = prefs
return this
* Sets preferences for the "Local State" file in Chrome's user data
* directory.
* @param {!Object} state Dictionary of local state preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLocalState(state) {
this.options_.localState = state
return this
* Sets the name of the activity hosting a Chrome-based Android WebView. This
* option must be set to connect to an [Android WebView](
* https://chromedriver.chromium.org/getting-started/getting-started---android)
* @param {string} name The activity name.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidActivity(name) {
this.options_.androidActivity = name
return this
* Sets the device serial number to connect to via ADB. If not specified, the
* WebDriver server will select an unused device at random. An error will be
* returned if all devices already have active sessions.
* @param {string} serial The device serial number to connect to.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidDeviceSerial(serial) {
this.options_.androidDeviceSerial = serial
return this
* Sets the package name of the Chrome or WebView app.
* @param {?string} pkg The package to connect to, or `null` to disable Android
* and switch back to using desktop browser.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidPackage(pkg) {
this.options_.androidPackage = pkg
return this
* Sets the process name of the Activity hosting the WebView (as given by
* `ps`). If not specified, the process name is assumed to be the same as
* {@link #androidPackage}.
* @param {string} processName The main activity name.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidProcess(processName) {
this.options_.androidProcess = processName
return this
* Sets whether to connect to an already-running instead of the specified
* {@linkplain #androidProcess app} instead of launching the app with a clean
* data directory.
* @param {boolean} useRunning Whether to connect to a running instance.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidUseRunningApp(useRunning) {
this.options_.androidUseRunningApp = useRunning
return this
* Sets the path to the browser's log file. This path should exist on the machine
* that will launch the browser.
* @param {string} path Path to the log file to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setBrowserLogFile(path) {
this.options_.logPath = path
return this
* Sets the directory to store browser minidumps in. This option is only
* supported when the driver is running on Linux.
* @param {string} path The directory path.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setBrowserMinidumpPath(path) {
this.options_.minidumpPath = path
return this
* Configures the browser to emulate a mobile device. For more information, refer
* to the ChromeDriver project page on [mobile emulation][em]. Configuration
* options include:
* - `deviceName`: The name of a pre-configured [emulated device][devem]
* - `width`: screen width, in pixels
* - `height`: screen height, in pixels
* - `pixelRatio`: screen pixel ratio
* __Example 1: Using a Pre-configured Device__
* let options = new chrome.Options().setMobileEmulation(
* {deviceName: 'Google Nexus 5'});
* let driver = chrome.Driver.createSession(options);
* __Example 2: Using Custom Screen Configuration__
* let options = new chrome.Options().setMobileEmulation({deviceMetrics: {
* width: 360,
* height: 640,
* pixelRatio: 3.0
* }});
* let driver = chrome.Driver.createSession(options);
* [em]: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/mobile-emulation
* [devem]: https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/device-mode
* @param {?({deviceName: string}|
* {width: number, height: number, pixelRatio: number})} config The
* mobile emulation configuration, or `null` to disable emulation.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setMobileEmulation(config) {
this.options_.mobileEmulation = config
return this
* Sets a list of the window types that will appear when getting window
* handles. For access to <webview> elements, include "webview" in the list.
* @param {...(string|!Array<string>)} args The window types that will appear
* when getting window handles.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
windowTypes(...args) {
let windowTypes = (this.options_.windowTypes || []).concat(...args)
if (windowTypes.length) {
this.options_.windowTypes = windowTypes
return this
* Enable bidi connection
* @returns {!Capabilities}
enableBidi() {
return this.set('webSocketUrl', true)
* A list of extensions to install when launching the browser.
class Extensions {
constructor() {
this.extensions = []
* @return {number} The length of the extensions list.
get length() {
return this.extensions.length
* Add additional extensions to install when launching the browser. Each
* extension should be specified as the path to the packed CRX file, or a
* Buffer for an extension.
* @param {...(string|!Buffer|!Array<(string|!Buffer)>)} args The
* extensions to add.
add(...args) {
this.extensions = this.extensions.concat(...args)
* @return {!Object} A serialized representation of this Extensions object.
[Symbols.serialize]() {
return this.extensions.map(function (extension) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(extension)) {
return extension.toString('base64')
return io.read(/** @type {string} */ (extension)).then((buffer) => buffer.toString('base64'))
* Creates a new WebDriver client for Chromium-based browsers.
class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
* Creates a new session with the WebDriver server.
* @param {(Capabilities|Options)=} caps The configuration options.
* @param {(remote.DriverService|http.Executor)=} opt_serviceExecutor Either
* a DriverService to use for the remote end, or a preconfigured executor
* for an externally managed endpoint. If neither is provided, the
* {@linkplain ##getDefaultService default service} will be used by
* default.
* @param vendorPrefix Either 'goog' or 'ms'
* @param vendorCapabilityKey Either 'goog:chromeOptions' or 'ms:edgeOptions'
* @return {!Driver} A new driver instance.
static createSession(caps, opt_serviceExecutor, vendorPrefix = '', vendorCapabilityKey = '') {
let executor
let onQuit
if (opt_serviceExecutor instanceof http.Executor) {
executor = opt_serviceExecutor
configureExecutor(executor, vendorPrefix)
} else {
let service = opt_serviceExecutor || this.getDefaultService()
if (!service.getExecutable()) {
const { driverPath, browserPath } = getBinaryPaths(caps)
if (browserPath) {
const vendorOptions = caps.get(vendorCapabilityKey)
if (vendorOptions) {
vendorOptions['binary'] = browserPath
caps.set(vendorCapabilityKey, vendorOptions)
} else {
caps.set(vendorCapabilityKey, { binary: browserPath })
onQuit = () => service.kill()
executor = createExecutor(service.start(), vendorPrefix)
// W3C spec requires noProxy value to be an array of strings, but Chromium
// expects a single host as a string.
let proxy = caps.get(Capability.PROXY)
if (proxy && Array.isArray(proxy.noProxy)) {
proxy.noProxy = proxy.noProxy[0]
if (!proxy.noProxy) {
proxy.noProxy = undefined
return /** @type {!Driver} */ (super.createSession(executor, caps, onQuit))
* This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this
* implementation.
* @override
setFileDetector() {}
* Schedules a command to launch Chrome App with given ID.
* @param {string} id ID of the App to launch.
* @return {!Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when app is launched.
launchApp(id) {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.LAUNCH_APP).setParameter('id', id))
* Schedules a command to get Chromium network emulation settings.
* @return {!Promise} A promise that will be resolved when network
* emulation settings are retrieved.
getNetworkConditions() {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.GET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS))
* Schedules a command to delete Chromium network emulation settings.
* @return {!Promise} A promise that will be resolved when network
* emulation settings have been deleted.
deleteNetworkConditions() {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.DELETE_NETWORK_CONDITIONS))
* Schedules a command to set Chromium network emulation settings.
* __Sample Usage:__
* driver.setNetworkConditions({
* offline: false,
* latency: 5, // Additional latency (ms).
* download_throughput: 500 * 1024, // Maximal aggregated download throughput.
* upload_throughput: 500 * 1024 // Maximal aggregated upload throughput.
* });
* @param {Object} spec Defines the network conditions to set
* @return {!Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved when network
* emulation settings are set.
setNetworkConditions(spec) {
if (!spec || typeof spec !== 'object') {
throw TypeError('setNetworkConditions called with non-network-conditions parameter')
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.SET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS).setParameter('network_conditions', spec))
* Sends an arbitrary devtools command to the browser.
* @param {string} cmd The name of the command to send.
* @param {Object=} params The command parameters.
* @return {!Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved when the command
* has finished.
* @see <https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/>
sendDevToolsCommand(cmd, params = {}) {
return this.execute(
new command.Command(Command.SEND_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND).setParameter('cmd', cmd).setParameter('params', params),
* Sends an arbitrary devtools command to the browser and get the result.
* @param {string} cmd The name of the command to send.
* @param {Object=} params The command parameters.
* @return {!Promise<string>} A promise that will be resolved when the command
* has finished.
* @see <https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/>
sendAndGetDevToolsCommand(cmd, params = {}) {
return this.execute(
new command.Command(Command.SEND_AND_GET_DEVTOOLS_COMMAND)
.setParameter('cmd', cmd)
.setParameter('params', params),
* Set a permission state to the given value.
* @param {string} name A name of the permission to update.
* @param {("granted"|"denied"|"prompt")} state State to set permission to.
* @returns {!Promise<Object>} A promise that will be resolved when the
* command has finished.
* @see <https://w3c.github.io/permissions/#permission-registry> for valid
* names
setPermission(name, state) {
return this.execute(
new command.Command(Command.SET_PERMISSION).setParameter('descriptor', { name }).setParameter('state', state),
* Sends a DevTools command to change the browser's download directory.
* @param {string} path The desired download directory.
* @return {!Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved when the command
* has finished.
* @see #sendDevToolsCommand
async setDownloadPath(path) {
if (!path || typeof path !== 'string') {
throw new error.InvalidArgumentError('invalid download path')
const stat = await io.stat(path)
if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
throw new error.InvalidArgumentError('not a directory: ' + path)
return this.sendDevToolsCommand('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {
behavior: 'allow',
downloadPath: path,
* Returns the list of cast sinks (Cast devices) available to the Chrome media router.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved with an array of Strings
* containing the friendly device names of available cast sink targets.
getCastSinks() {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.GET_CAST_SINKS))
* Selects a cast sink (Cast device) as the recipient of media router intents (connect or play).
* @param {String} deviceName name of the target device.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the target device has been selected to respond further webdriver commands.
setCastSinkToUse(deviceName) {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.SET_CAST_SINK_TO_USE).setParameter('sinkName', deviceName))
* Initiates desktop mirroring for the current browser tab on the specified device.
* @param {String} deviceName name of the target device.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the mirror command has been issued to the device.
startDesktopMirroring(deviceName) {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.START_CAST_DESKTOP_MIRRORING).setParameter('sinkName', deviceName))
* Initiates tab mirroring for the current browser tab on the specified device.
* @param {String} deviceName name of the target device.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the mirror command has been issued to the device.
startCastTabMirroring(deviceName) {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.START_CAST_TAB_MIRRORING).setParameter('sinkName', deviceName))
* Returns an error message when there is any issue in a Cast session.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the mirror command has been issued to the device.
getCastIssueMessage() {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.GET_CAST_ISSUE_MESSAGE))
* Stops casting from media router to the specified device, if connected.
* @param {String} deviceName name of the target device.
* @return {!promise.Thenable<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the stop command has been issued to the device.
stopCasting(deviceName) {
return this.execute(new command.Command(Command.STOP_CASTING).setParameter('sinkName', deviceName))
module.exports = {