Namespace OpenQA.Selenium
- By
Provides a mechanism by which to find elements within a document.
- CapabilityType
Provides types of capabilities for the DesiredCapabilities object.
- Command
Provides a way to send commands to the remote server
- CommandInfo
Represents the information about a command.
- CommandInfoRepository
Holds the information about all commands specified by the JSON wire protocol. This class cannot be inherited, as it is intended to be a singleton, and allowing subclasses introduces the possibility of multiple instances.
- Cookie
Represents a cookie in the browser.
- DefaultFileDetector
Represents the default file detector for determining whether a file must be uploaded to a remote server.
- DetachedShadowRootException
The exception that is thrown when a frame is not found.
- DomMutatedEventArgs
Provides data for the AttributeValueChanged event
- DomMutationData
Provides data about the changes in the value of an attribute on an element.
- DriverCommand
Values describing the list of commands understood by a remote server using the JSON wire protocol.
- DriverFinder
Finds a driver, checks if the provided path exists, if not, Selenium Manager is used. This implementation is still in beta and may change.
- DriverOptions
Base class for managing options specific to a browser driver.
- DriverProcessStartedEventArgs
Provides data for the DriverProcessStarted event of a DriverService object.
- DriverProcessStartingEventArgs
Provides data for the DriverProcessStarting event of a DriverService object.
- DriverService
Exposes the service provided by a native WebDriver server executable.
- DriverServiceNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when the driver service is not available.
- ElementClickInterceptedException
The exception that is thrown when an element is not visible.
- ElementNotInteractableException
The exception that is thrown when an element is not interactable.
- ElementNotSelectableException
The exception that is thrown when an element is not selectable.
- ElementNotVisibleException
The exception that is thrown when an element is not visible.
- EncodedFile
Represents a file transmitted over the wire as a base64-encoded string.
- ErrorResponse
Provides a way to store errors from a response
- HttpCommandInfo
Provides the execution information for a DriverCommand.
- HttpRequestData
Represents the response data for an intercepted HTTP call.
- HttpResponseContent
Represents the content of an HTTP response.
- HttpResponseData
Represents the response data for an intercepted HTTP call.
- InitializationScript
Represents a JavaScript script that is loaded and run on every document load.
- InsecureCertificateException
The exception that is thrown when an insecure certificate is used.
- InvalidCookieDomainException
The exception that is thrown when the users attempts to set a cookie with an invalid domain.
- InvalidElementStateException
The exception that is thrown when a reference to an element is no longer valid.
- InvalidSelectorException
The exception that is thrown when an invalid selector is used.
- JavaScriptCallbackExecutedEventArgs
Provides data for the JavaScriptCallbackExecuted event.
- JavaScriptConsoleApiCalledEventArgs
Provides data for the JavaScriptConsoleApiCalled event.
- JavaScriptEngine
Provides methods allowing the user to manage settings in the browser's JavaScript engine.
- JavaScriptException
Represents exceptions that are thrown when an error occurs during execution of JavaScript.
- JavaScriptExceptionThrownEventArgs
Provides data for the JavaScriptExceptionThrown event.
- Keys
Representations of keys able to be pressed that are not text keys for sending to the browser.
- LogEntry
Represents an entry in a log from a driver instance.
- LogType
Class containing names of common log types.
- Logs
Provides a mechanism for examining logs for the driver during the test.
- MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
Represents exceptions that are thrown when an attempt is made to move the mouse pointer outside the bounds of the browser view port.
- NetworkAuthenticationHandler
Allows a user to supply authentication information for network requests.
- NetworkManager
Provides methods for monitoring, intercepting, and modifying network requests and responses.
- NetworkRequestHandler
Allows a user to handle a network request, potentially modifying the request or providing a known response.
- NetworkRequestSentEventArgs
Provides data for the NetworkRequestSent event of an object implementing the INetwork interface.
- NetworkResponseHandler
Allows a user to handle a returned network, potentially modifying it before processing by the browser.
- NetworkResponseReceivedEventArgs
Provides data for the NetworkResponseReceived event of an object implementing the INetwork interface.
- NoAlertPresentException
The exception that is thrown when an alert is not found.
- NoSuchCookieException
The exception that is thrown when a cookie is not found.
- NoSuchDriverException
The exception that is thrown when a driver is not found.
- NoSuchElementException
The exception that is thrown when an element is not found.
- NoSuchFrameException
The exception that is thrown when a frame is not found.
- NoSuchShadowRootException
The exception that is thrown when a shadow root is not found.
- NoSuchWindowException
The exception that is thrown when a window is not found.
- NotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when an item is not found.
- PasswordCredentials
A credentials provider that uses a user name and password for authentication.
- PinnedScript
A class representing a pinned JavaScript function that can be repeatedly called without sending the entire script across the wire for every execution.
- Platform
Represents the platform on which tests are to be run.
- PrintDocument
Represents a printed document in the form of a PDF document.
- PrintOptions
Represents the options to send for printing a page.
- PrintOptions.Margins
An object representing the margins for printing.
- PrintOptions.PageSize
An object representing the page size of the print options.
- Proxy
Describes proxy settings to be used with a driver instance.
- RelativeBy
Provides a mechanism for finding elements spatially relative to other elements.
- RemoteSessionSettings
Base class for managing options specific to a browser driver.
- Response
Handles reponses from the browser
- Screenshot
Represents an image of the page currently loaded in the browser.
- SeleniumManager
Wrapper for the Selenium Manager binary. This implementation is still in beta, and may change.
- SessionId
Provides a mechanism for maintaining a session for a test
- ShadowRoot
Provides a representation of an element's shadow root.
- StackTraceElement
Gives properties to get a stack trace
- StaleElementReferenceException
The exception that is thrown when a reference to an element is no longer valid.
- UnableToSetCookieException
The exception that is thrown when the user is unable to set a cookie.
- UnhandledAlertException
The exception that is thrown when an unhandled alert is present.
- UnknownErrorException
An unknown error occurred in the remote end while processing the command.
- UnknownMethodException
Exception that is thrown when the requested command matched a known URL but did not match any method for that URL.
- UnsupportedOperationException
Indicates that a command that should have executed properly cannot be supported for some reason.
- WebDriver
A base class representing a driver for a web browser.
- WebDriverArgumentException
Represents exceptions that are thrown when an invalid argument is passed to a WebDriver command.
- WebDriverException
Represents exceptions that are thrown when an error occurs during actions.
- WebDriverTimeoutException
Represents exceptions that are thrown when an error occurs during actions.
- WebElement
A base class representing an HTML element on a page.
- WebElementFactory
Object used to create WebElement objects for a remote driver instance.
- XPathLookupException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during an XPath lookup.
- IActionExecutor
Interface allowing execution of W3C Specification-compliant actions.
- IAlert
Defines the interface through which the user can manipulate JavaScript alerts.
- IAllowsFileDetection
Interface determining whether the driver implementation allows detection of files when sending keystrokes to a file upload element.
- ICapabilities
Capabilities of the browser that you are going to use
- ICommandExecutor
Provides a way to send commands to the remote server
- ICookieJar
Defines an interface allowing the user to manipulate cookies on the current page.
- ICredentials
Marker interface describing a set of credentials to be used with network requests. This allows the ability to expand beyond simple user name/password security mechanisms.
- ICustomDriverCommandExecutor
Exposes an interface to allow drivers to register and execute custom commands.
- IFileDetector
Defines an object responsible for detecting sequences of keystrokes representing file paths and names.
- IHasCapabilities
Defines the interface through which the user can determine the capabilities of a driver.
- IHasCommandExecutor
An interface indicating that the implementing class has a command executor.
- IHasDownloads
Interface indicating the driver can handle downloading remote files.
- IHasSessionId
Interface indicating the driver has a Session ID.
- IJavaScriptEngine
Defines an interface allowing the user to manage settings in the browser's JavaScript engine.
- IJavaScriptExecutor
Defines the interface through which the user can execute JavaScript.
- ILocatable
Defines the interface through which the user can discover where an element is on the screen.
- ILogs
Interface allowing handling of driver logs.
- INavigation
Defines an interface allowing the user to access the browser's history and to navigate to a given URL.
- INetwork
Defines an interface allowing the user to manage network communication by the browser.
- IOptions
Defines an interface allowing the user to set options on the browser.
- IRotatable
Represents rotation of the browser view for orientation-sensitive devices. When using this with a real device, the device should not be moved so that the built-in sensors do not interfere.
- ISearchContext
Defines the interface used to search for elements.
- ISupportsLogs
Marker interface indicating that an object implementing the interface supports the legacy log retrieval methods.
- ISupportsPrint
Interface allowing a driver implementation to generate a print representation of the page.
- ITakesScreenshot
Defines the interface used to take screen shot images of the screen.
- ITargetLocator
Defines the interface through which the user can locate a given frame or window.
- ITimeouts
Defines the interface through which the user can define timeouts.
- IWebDriver
Defines the interface through which the user controls the browser.
- IWebElement
Defines the interface through which the user controls elements on the page.
- IWindow
Provides methods for getting and setting the size and position of the browser window.
- IWrapsDriver
Defines the interface through which the user can access the driver used to find an element.
- IWrapsElement
Defines the interface through which the user can discover if there is an underlying element to be used.
- IWritableCapabilities
Capabilities of the browser that you are going to use
- LogLevel
Represents the levels of logging available to driver instances.
- PageLoadStrategy
Specifies the behavior of waiting for page loads in the driver.
- PlatformType
Represents the known and supported Platforms that WebDriver runs on.
- PrintOrientation
Represents the orientation of the page in the printed document.
- ProxyKind
Describes the kind of proxy.
- ScreenOrientation
Represents possible screen orientations.
- UnhandledPromptBehavior
Specifies the behavior of handling unexpected alerts in the IE driver.
- WebDriverResult
Specifies return values for actions in the driver.
- WindowType
Represents the type of a new browser window that may be created