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Enum WebDriverResult


Specifies return values for actions in the driver.

public enum WebDriverResult


AsyncScriptTimeout = 28

A script did not complete before its timeout expired.

DetachedShadowRoot = 66

The referenced shadow root is no longer attached to the DOM.

ElementClickIntercepted = 64

The Element Click command could not be completed because the element receiving the events is obscuring the element that was requested clicked.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] ElementNotDisplayed = 11

The specified element is not displayed.

ElementNotInteractable = 60

A command could not be completed because the element is not pointer- or keyboard interactable.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] ElementNotSelectable = 15

The specified element is not selected.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] ExpectedError = 14

An error occurred, but it was expected.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] IndexOutOfBounds = 1

The index specified for the action was out of the acceptable range.

InsecureCertificate = 59

Navigation caused the user agent to hit a certificate warning, which is usually the result of an expired or invalid TLS certificate.

InvalidArgument = 61

The arguments passed to a command are either invalid or malformed.

InvalidCookieDomain = 24

An illegal attempt was made to set a cookie under a different domain than the current page.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] InvalidElementCoordinates = 29

The coordinates of the element are invalid.

InvalidElementState = 12

A command could not be completed because the element is in an invalid state, e.g. attempting to clear an element that isn't both editable and resettable.

InvalidSelector = 32

Argument was an invalid selector.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] InvalidXPathSelector = 51

The XPath selector was invalid.

MoveTargetOutOfBounds = 34

The target for mouse interaction is not in the browser's viewport and cannot be brought into that viewport.

NoAlertPresent = 27

An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoCollection = 2

No collection was specified.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoScriptResult = 18

No result is available from the JavaScript execution.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoString = 3

No string was specified.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoStringLength = 4

No string length was specified.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoStringWrapper = 5

No string wrapper was specified.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoSuchCollection = 20

No collection matching the criteria exists.

NoSuchCookie = 62

No cookie matching the given path name was found amongst the associated cookies of session's current browsing context's active document.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NoSuchDocument = 16

No document matching the criteria exists.

NoSuchDriver = 6

Occurs if the given session id is not in the list of active sessions, meaning the session either does not exist or that it's not active.

NoSuchElement = 7

An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.

NoSuchFrame = 8

A command to switch to a frame could not be satisfied because the frame could not be found.

NoSuchShadowRoot = 65

The element does not have a shadow root.

NoSuchWindow = 23

A command to switch to a window could not be satisfied because the window could not be found.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] NullPointer = 22

A null pointer was received.

ObsoleteElement = 10

A command failed because the referenced element is no longer attached to the DOM.

SessionNotCreated = 33

A new session could not be created.

Success = 0

The action was successful.

Timeout = 21

An operation did not complete before its timeout expired.

UnableToCaptureScreen = 63

A screen capture was made impossible.

UnableToSetCookie = 25

A command to set a cookie's value could not be satisfied.

UnexpectedAlertOpen = 26

A modal dialog was open, blocking this operation.

UnexpectedJavaScriptError = 17

An error occurred while executing JavaScript supplied by the user.

[Obsolete("This value is no longer set for unknown errors: use UnknownError instead. Will be removed in 4.30")] UnhandledError = 13

An unhandled error occurred.

UnknownCommand = 9

A command could not be executed because the remote end is not aware of it.

UnknownError = 13

An unknown error occurred in the remote end while processing the command.

UnknownMethod = 67

The requested command matched a known URL but did not match any method for that URL.

UnsupportedOperation = 68

Indicates that a command that should have executed properly cannot be supported for some reason.

[Obsolete("This error status is no longer returned by the WebDriver Specification Will be removed in 4.30")] XPathLookupError = 19

The result from the JavaScript execution is not recognized.