Selenium 4.29 Released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.29 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.29 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce ChromeDevTools support for Firefox is removed and WebDriver BiDi is paving the path forward
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.28 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.27 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.26 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.25 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.24 has been released!
Puppeteer has moved over to support WebDriver BiDi getting full support in Chromium browsers and Firefox.
With an ongoing attack, called SeleniumGreed, on Selenium Grids, we recommend you keep your grid secure.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.23 has been released!
Announcing a new Development partnership tier with Sauce Labs, celebrating our supporters!
Selenium is proud to annouce that we have created a new tier to show the appreciation of the companies that support us.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.22 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.21 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.20 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.19 has been released!
This blog post discusses the rationale behind the breaking change in Java BiDi implementation and the changes users will have to make.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.18 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.17 has been released!
This blog post discusses the click bait posts out there comparing selenium, cypress, and playwright. How none of these are meaningful or helpful.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.16 has been released!
Selenium Manager 0.4.15 is shipped with Selenium 4.15.0. This blog post summarizes the novelties introduced in this new release.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.15 has been released!
This blog post summarizes the novelties introduced in the latest two versions of Selenium Manager (i.e., 0.4.13 and 0.4.14).
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.13 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.14 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.12.0 has been released!
Selenium Manager 0.4.12 is shipped with Selenium 4.12.0. This release aims to stabilize the features provided so far, delivering a new relevant characteristic: automated browser management for Firefox.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.11.0 has been released!
Selenium 4.11.0 ships very relevant new features of Selenium Manager: support of Chrome for Testing (CfT) endpoints for chromedriver management and automated Chrome management (based also on CfT).
How does the Selenium team build Selenium itself, and why did we chose the tools we chose?
On September 30, 2023, Java 11 will be the minimum version supported by Selenium.
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.10.0 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.9.0 has been released!
Now that we got your attention, headless is not actually going away, just the convenience method to set it in Selenium
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.8.0 has been released!
Looking back at our achievements from 2022
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.7.0 has been released!
Get a working environment to run Selenium out of the box with a new beta feature!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.6.0 has been released!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.5.0 has been released!
We’re happy to share that starting from Selenium 4.5.0, a Java 11+ HttpClient is supported
Scaling Selenium Grid in a Kubernetes cluster with the help of KEDA
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium 4.4.0 has been released!
An event to improve contributions to and collaboration among open source WebDriver based projects
We are refining our docs content with help from the community!
There’s more to Selenium 4 than just the server
Selenium 4.0.0 is released! Get it while it’s hot!
Introducing how Selenium 4 handles authentication
The second (and last!) release candidate of Selenium 4 is here!
We’re very happy to announce the first release candidate of Selenium 4.
We are happy to announce all Selenium are available on GitHub releases.
We are moving all Selenium binaries from Google Storage to GitHub releases.
We’re very happy to announce the new look for the Selenium website!
Moving to Libera.Chat
Diagnosing problems when the Selenium server isn’t working has never been easy.
We’re very happy to announce the release of the first beta of Selenium 4.
Selenium Grid: a mechanism that allows you to distribute your tests across a fleet of machines.
Today, we’ll cover some details about the new tricks and capabilities that Selenium 4 offers.
Let’s start talking about Selenium 4 and what’s coming. One thing I think I should clear up is “why the major version number bump?”
As the lead of the Selenium project, I wanted to kick off a new blog series leading up to the release of Selenium 4.
Quick recap of the recent Selenium Conference held virtually
We are very pleased to announce the release of Selenium 4.0 Alpha 6
SeleniumConf London 2019 videos and pictures are available now!
Selenium IDE is now the Legacy IDE, a new Selenium IDE is coming!
The bad news: from Firefox 55 onwards, Selenium IDE will no longer work.
We are very pleased to announce the release of Selenium 3.0.
Selenium 3 is coming!
At SeleniumConf in 2013, we announced that a new major version of Selenium would be released “by Christmas”.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve finally determined where and when Selenium Conf will be happening this Fall.
Selenium Conf India is happening this June 24-26 in Bangalore, India.
In our last update we mentioned there will be 2 Selenium Confs in 2016 — one in India, another somewhere else (TBD).
Interested in learning what’s in store for Se Conf 2016?
Selenium 2015 is just around the corner (September 8-10).
The Selenium Conf 2015 website is live!
Selenium Conf is coming to Portland, Oregon this year!
It makes me enormously happy and proud to announce that the Selenium Conference 2014 will be held in Bangalore on the 4-6 September.
TL;DR: We’re retiring Selenium’s own AndroidDriver and iPhoneDriver in favour of any of Selendroid, iosdriver and Appium.
Although the WebDriver APIs started life as just a mechanism for automating web browsers, over the past few years it has been extended to also work on mobile devices.
Selenium 2 was released in July 2011…
This is a guest post by Marcus Merrell, one of the organizers of the 2013 Selenium Conference.
This year’s Selenium Conference is slated for June 10 – 12 in beautiful Boston, Massachusetts.
It’s been a long time since we announced a new Selenium release on this blog…
It’s been a while since the last Selenium release, but I’m happy to announce that Selenium 2.22 is now available for download.
In this series of blog posts we’ve introduced…
I may be biased, but I think Selenium Conf ’12 is going to be great.
The tickets for Selenium Conf ’12 are still on sale for about another week, so there’s still time for you to buy your tickets.
Good news, everybody! Selenium Conf ’12 is getting closer!
The first code checked into the Selenium project’s public repository was in November, 2004.
If you’re using Selenium RC to test websites hosted on a secure site (accessed using a URL starting with HTTPS), we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Selenium 2.19. This is because the Cybervillains certificate in previous versions will expire soon, and has been replaced in 2.19 with an updated one. Our thanks to Patrick […]
You might be pleased to hear that Selenium 2.19 has been released (download it from here!).
It’s been a while since we last blogged about a Selenium release.
The community around Selenium is the thing that really makes the Selenium project special.
We’re pleased to announce the release of Selenium 2.9.
In keeping with our (roughly) weekly releases, Selenium 2.8 was released today (and on Maven too), with a huge list of bug-fixes!
If you’ve been watching this blog carefully you’ll have noticed that the last release announcement we made was for 2.3…
Continuing our new tradition of weekly releases, we’re very pleased to announce the release of Selenium 2.3.
The feedback from the last release was heard loud and clear: little and often it is!
Now that Selenium 2 has been released, one of the goals of the project is to provide regular updates to our users and the community.
We are very, very pleased to announce the release of Selenium 2.0.
Last week we quietly released Selenium IDE 1.0.12 on the website.
When we pushed the 2.0rc1 live, we really hoped that the next release would be 2.0 final.
You win some and you lose some.
We’re very happy to announce the first Release Candidate for Selenium 2, available for Java, C#, Ruby and Python.
We know that you have been waiting eagerly for this release and you have to wait no more.
It’s been about 5 weeks since the release of beta 2, so we’re very pleased to announce that Selenium 2.0b3 has just been released.
We’ve just released Selenium 2.0b2.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that we announced on the mailing list that the Selenium project planned to join the Software Freedom Conservancy.
If you’re using Maven and the 2.0b1 release of Selenium, you may be running into some problems getting maven to pick up your tests.
It has been mentioned at and hinted upon a couple times in the Smattering posts, but nothing has ‘officially’ been mentioned here, so it is time we fix that.
We recently released the first of the betas for Selenium 2.
Great news! Thanks to the initiative of our friends at Sauce Labs, we’re finally ready to host the first-ever Selenium Conference.
We are extremely pleased to announce the release of Selenium 2.0a6!
This is the second of my technical posts. Again, if you’re interested in the internal workings of Selenium 2, then please skip straight to something else.
This is the first in a series of technical posts by me about the internals of Selenium WebDriver.
There are several ways to use Selenium 2!
In the beginning there was Se1, and it was good. But it could have been better — in ways that WebDriver was starting to be good at.
I’m pleased to announce the release of Selenium 2.0a5, available for immediate download.
Its been around six months and three releases since I took the reins of Selenium-IDE.
We’re pleased to announce the release of Selenium Grid 1.0.8
So its a month later than planned, but Selenium IDE 1.0.7 is now available.
Following up on the Selenium Grid 1.0.6 release, we’re pleased to announce the release of Selenium Grid 1.0.7
As you likely know by now, after years of stewardship Philippe has stepped down as maintainer of Selenium Grid and has named me the new maintainer.
Selenium 2.0a3 has been released. This is a major update to 2.0 and all users are encouraged to update.
Following up on the Selenium Grid 1.0.5 release, we’re pleased to announce the release of Selenium Grid 1.0.6
Hot off the heals of 1.0.2, we’re releasing Selenium Remote Control 1.0.3!
Today we’re happy to announce that Selenium Remote Control 1.0.2 has been released!
Since we moved away from Clearspace for our forums, it’s time we also did the same for our blogging platform. We hope to be much better about posting news, tips, and tricks here going forward.
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