Join us for a 24-hour Selenium Open Space conference by the community and for the community.
It is a free, online event.

What is it?


Every participant is a session contributor. Think participant-driven meeting, where session host sets theme for exchanging ideas. Every session is created for and by the community members in attendance.

Global, online, 24-hour event.

It runs in 4 segments, each 6 hours long. Join one, or join all.

Time-boxed sessions with theme.

We welcome conversations framed with answers or questions; Hosting hands-on workshops; Co-creating synthesis of good practices and patterns. Trying out talks; Sharing experiences.

When is it?

Saturday, October 28th, 2023 starting at 07:00 UTC.

We didn't pick this day at random. October 28th will be the 19th anniversary of Selenium's first ever release and we want to celebrate all day with you.

Where do I register?

RSVP for the festivities by making a pull request to this page or by creating an issue to the SOSC github project.

This space will include all the necessary links for you to join us for the event.

We will not be sending you calendar invites or any other emails as we won't be collecting them.

You can join us in Welo with:

Tools Stack

Selenium Open Space Conference is hosted on Welo. Welo offers us a remote collaboration space with rooms to host sessions, join scheduled sessions and create hallway conversations.

We run marketplace of ideas (building the program) on Miro, and encourage to leave behind session notes of insights from sessions on Miro as well.

We will use Slack for discussions among participants as a backup measure Slack. We set up #event-sosc for pre- and post-conference communications. Ensure you have a Slack account to join the channel on the conference day or join #event-sosc to talk with other participants before or after the event.

Law and Principles

Open space conferences are based on the law of two feet. It means that you are free to join any session, leave any session, and move around at your own pace. You are also free to create your own session.

There's three principles: Whoever comes are the right people, Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened, and Whenever it starts is the right time.

The Program

We won't know exactly what sessions we will have, as those are participant driven. We encourage people enrolling to event to leave a list of possible sessions they could host to encourage others to join. When choosing a session is hard because of many great options, that is a success.

Code of Conduct

Selenium conference code of conduct applies. Let's build a respectful learning space for everyone.

SOSC-Talks on 28th October 2023

The Selenium Open Space Conference took place on 28th October. Following is the list of speakers and their topics

Jason Huggins

The Hows and Whys of Testing with Robots

Simon Stewart

The Architecture of Selenium Grid
How to Build Selenium- An introduction to Bazel

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

Volunteer Working Groups, Could We Do That Better?
Modeling Python Test Frameworks to Understand Features
Challenges of testing, what is hard these days?

David Burns

Getting started with Nightwatch to test the mobile web

Robin Gupta

Lets understand LLMs and usage with Test Automation
Starting Open source contributions

Ioannis Papadakis

Observability and Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana for Selenium Grid

Boni García

Introducing Selenium Manager through examples

Joep Schuurkes

The ideal number of browser-to-database tests is zero (un)structured approaches to learning

Dimpy Adhikary

Selenium and GenAI - Exploring The Possibilities

Puja Jagani


Ravi Sawlani

Selenium Updates, Framework Upgrades: A win-win automation story

Attila Fazekas

Page Objects in Kotlin 101: From Challenges to Solutions

Amuthan Sakthivel

Selenide - Selenium on Steroids

Ed Manlove


Nate Custer

Open source within company - own brand or uses of others

Ed Manlove

The future of Selenium Python
Waiting Strategies

Pallavi Sharma

New to Selenium? Let us get you started then!
Selenium books - Lessons learned on authorship

Along for the Learning So Far...

This is the list you add yourself to enroll. Feel free to leave session ideas you would like to host.
Four stars for four segments you may join. 7am-1pm UTC 1pm-7pm UTC 7pm-1am UTC 1am-7am UTC

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

Ask Me Anything and I Tell You Who Knows If I Don't
Setting up Selenium Microsponsorship
Modeling Python Test Frameworks to Understand Features
Volunteer Working Groups, Could We Do That Better?
Testing VanillaJS ToDo App - Capturing Developer Intent
What This Developer Experience People Talk About?

Pallavi Sharma

New to Selenium? Let us get you started then!

Dimpy Adhikary

Hajer BenMoussa

Ed Manlove

The future of Selenium and Python

Mohab Mohie

Building a Selenium Ecosystem Framework: SHAFT_Engine

Amuthan Sakthivel

Selenide - Selenium on Steroids

Atmaram Naik

Selenium With Kotlin

Quinee Bhattacharjee

Puja Jagani

Selenium Updates, Framework Upgrades: A win-win automation story

David Burns

How Standards work and why it's important for your tests
Getting started with Nightwatch to test the mobile web

Ioannis Papadakis

Observability and Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana for Selenium Grid

Boni García

Introducing Selenium Manager through examples

Robin Gupta

Selenium for SAAS applications (Salesforce/Oracle etc.)
Future of Test Automation (with a pinch of AI)
Getting started with Selenium (absolute beginner's mindset)

Simon Stewart

The Architecture of Selenium Grid

Jason Huggins

The Hows and Whys of Testing with Robots

Dineshraj Dhanapathy

Zahid Khan

Sri Harsha

Nate Custer

Akhil Gundawar

Ravi Sawlani

Selenium Updates, Framework Upgrades: A win-win automation story

Nirbhaya Maheshwari

Sachin Gupta

Mahathee Dandibhotla

Avishek Behera

Krishanu Chakraborty

Joep Schuurkes

The ideal number of browser-to-database tests is zero

Srinivas Chitta

Attila Fazekas

Page Objects in Kotlin 101: From Challenges to Solutions

Riti Mukherjee

Mirjana Andovska

Gokul Sekar


Charlie Pradeep

Abdulrhman Alfiky

Naeem Akram Malik

Lana Begunova

Nivi Sakshi

Shanmuga prathap S P

Sri Priya P Kulkarni

Ashutosh Mishra