


class selenium.webdriver.firefox.remote_connection.FirefoxRemoteConnection(remote_server_addr: str, keep_alive: bool = True, ignore_proxy: bool | None = False, client_config: ClientConfig | None = None)[source]
browser_name = 'firefox'
add_command(name, method, url)

Register a new command.

certifi = <module 'certifi' from '/home/runner/work/selenium/selenium/py/.tox/docs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/certifi/'>

Clean up resources when finished with the remote_connection.

execute(command, params)

Send a command to the remote server.

Any path substitutions required for the URL mapped to the command should be included in the command parameters.

  • command - A string specifying the command to execute.

  • params - A dictionary of named parameters to send with the command as its JSON payload.

extra_commands = {}
extra_headers = None
classmethod get_certificate_bundle_path()

Paths of the .pem encoded certificate to verify connection to command executor. Defaults to certifi.where() or REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE env variable if set.

get_command(name: str)

Retrieve a command if it exists.

classmethod get_remote_connection_headers(parsed_url, keep_alive=False)

Get headers for remote request.

  • parsed_url - The parsed url

  • keep_alive (Boolean) - Is this a keep-alive connection (default: False)

classmethod get_timeout()

Timeout value in seconds for all http requests made to the Remote Connection

os = <module 'os' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.21/x64/lib/python3.9/'>
classmethod reset_timeout()

Reset the http request timeout to socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

classmethod set_certificate_bundle_path(path)

Set the path to the certificate bundle to verify connection to command executor. Can also be set to None to disable certificate validation.

  • path - path of a .pem encoded certificate chain.

classmethod set_timeout(timeout)

Override the default timeout.

  • timeout - timeout value for http requests in seconds

socket = <module 'socket' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.21/x64/lib/python3.9/'>
system = 'linux'
user_agent = 'selenium/4.30.0 (python linux)'