

Service([executable_path, port, log_output, ...])

The abstract base class for all service objects.

class selenium.webdriver.common.service.Service(executable_path: str | None = None, port: int = 0, log_output: int | str | IO[Any] | None = None, env: Mapping[Any, Any] | None = None, driver_path_env_key: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

The abstract base class for all service objects. Services typically launch a child program in a new process as an interim process to communicate with a browser.

  • executable – install path of the executable.

  • port – Port for the service to run on, defaults to 0 where the operating system will decide.

  • log_output – (Optional) int representation of STDOUT/DEVNULL, any IO instance or String path to file.

  • env – (Optional) Mapping of environment variables for the new process, defaults to os.environ.

  • driver_path_env_key – (Optional) Environment variable to use to get the path to the driver executable.

property service_url: str

Gets the url of the Service.

abstract command_line_args() List[str][source]

A List of program arguments (excluding the executable).

property path: str
start() None[source]

Starts the Service.

  • WebDriverException : Raised either when it can’t start the service or when it can’t connect to the service

assert_process_still_running() None[source]

Check if the underlying process is still running.

is_connectable() bool[source]

Establishes a socket connection to determine if the service running on the port is accessible.

send_remote_shutdown_command() None[source]

Dispatch an HTTP request to the shutdown endpoint for the service in an attempt to stop it.

stop() None[source]

Stops the service.

env_path() str | None[source]